Tuesday, September 19, 2017

3 Tips to Ensure that Industrial Electrical Wiring is Safe

Want to ensure that your industrial electrical wiring is safe? In a commercial or industrial environment, it is very important to make sure any wiring carried out is completely safe. To achieve a functioning power structure, wiring needs to be carried out in a precise way!

Using a qualified and experienced electrician Glasgow based, your industrial electrical wiring will be carried out without a problem. With the years of knowledge about electrical installations, our electricians from MacLaren Electrical Services Ltd will make sure that you have the safest possible wiring!

Use the 3 Phase Wire Structure

It’s important that you know what kind of wiring will be safest for your company.
In both industrial and commercial environments, using a 3 phase wire structure is very important. This type of installation means that there is less pressure put on each individual wire, rather 3 wires are working at once to allow the best current output! This is needed for the operation of heavy-duty devices and so best used in industrial and commercial situations. Using the 3-phase wire system ensures, not only can that heavy duty devices operate effectively, but also increases the durability of the wiring! Making it safer.

Choose the Right Wiring

Choosing the right industrial electrical wiring is essential.
Another tip to ensure that your industrial electrical wiring is safe, is to make sure you are using the right type of wires. In a commercial/industrial environment, the right choice of wires is a necessity. Using thermoplastic wiring with a resistance coating specifically to cope with the job it’s used for. Not only does the right choice of wire affect productivity but also the safety of the wiring. In an industrial situation it is vital to choose a wiring that is not reactive to substances, gases and liquids. Also, these wires should come with a special insulation!

Industrial/Commercial Wiring is Different from Residential

There is a difference between residential and commercial/industrial wiring.
As devices in homes require less power, residential wiring uses a single phase wiring system. However, for larger fittings like tumble dryers, water heaters etc., 240V is needed, so a 2 phase circuit is needed. To ensure commercial/industrial electrical wiring is safe, the before mentioned 3 phase wire structure is needed. Supplying more power in a safer way. After working with a range of companies on different projects, our electricians understand the difference in wiring a residential compared to a commercial/industrial property.

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